LASER Land Levelers

It is a way of creating graded fields for planting that are more detailed and reliable than visual judgment. This component will strengthen LASER land leveling services in the project area through the provision of LASER levelers to the farmers/service providers at subsidized rates.

LASER land leveling is the most effective and popular technology amongst the farming community because of its highly quick returns/benefits. The LASER land leveling technology is now being used adequately by farmers in some areas/districts of Pakistan due to the following benefits;

• Saving irrigation time from 25.1 to 32.1 percent.
• Increase in the irrigated area by 34.5 to 42.0 percent.
• Improvement in crop yields from 10.7 to 12.9 percent.
• Reduction in farm culture able wasteland by 2.10 percent.
• Saving in irrigation time: 20-30%
• Improvement in crop yield from 9-11%
• Enhancement in fertilizer use efficiency: 11%
• Saving in farm labor: 18 %
• Facilitation in better crop stand, uniform moisture availability, and enhanced fertilizer use efficiency.

Considering the huge benefits of the technology, it is planned to provide 1,106 Laser land leveling units to the farmers/ service providers in the project area to strengthen the LASER land leveling services in the private sector. Cost sharing will be based on a 50:50 Govt/Farmer ratio up to a maximum assistance of Rs.250,000 per unit.

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